GSoC 2020 Report
During my GSoC, I worked on App Store improvements project for ns-3 organization. GSoC was my first programming experience outside personal projects and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I had an awesome opportunity to work for the ns-3 organization. My mentors abhijithanilkumar, mishalshah and adeepkit01 were extremely responsive, helpful, and understanding. I would also like to thank tomh sir - the ns-3 Organization Admin for his help and suggestions.
Project outline
Project Goals : To develop a Jenkins server and add necessary updates to ns-3 AppStore to check on-demand if available, uploaded or updated apps/modules/forks to AppStore build and pass tests successfully for the given ns-3 versions and display that information on AppStore. And to improve the AppStore by addressing the existing issues.
The project was completed in the following phases :
- Community Bonding - Solving some of the existing issues and getting familiar with the codebase.
- Phase 1 - Added build model to AppStore, experimented with Jenkins locally, and wrote bash scripts used by pipelines.
- Phase 2 - Added functionalities to AppStore for Jenkins communication, REST APIs, and their tests in AppStore for Jenkins, and Build history page for app release.
- Phase 3 - Added pipelines to deployed Jenkins servers, configured the environment for AppStore - Jenkins communication, and added contributing, installation, and Jenkins documentations.
Work done
This contains the work done during various phases and links to docs/commits/merge requests generated.
Community bonding
- Doc : Database migration for ns-3 AppStore from SQLite to Mysql/Postgres.
- Participated in the coding sprint and following merge requests are made :
- Reviewed existing dependencies for outdated and non-supported ones. Following merge requests were made to update the outdated dependencies :
Phase 1
- Commit : The Build model to store information about the build info for an app/module was created and test for the Build model was also added.
- Installed Jenkins on the local machine. Read Jenkins documentation about pipeline building and its terminologies. Explored bake for fetching and building ns-3/modules/forks.
- Commit : Added bash scripts which are used by Jenkins pipelines.
Phase 2
- Commit : Functions to call Jenkins builds from appstore for all pipelines added.
- Commit : REST API to update the build model object from Jenkins added.
- Commit : Added aborted and building statuses and changed date field to date-time.
- Commit : Modified code so that build object is created before the build is called so that ‘Building’ status can be used.
- Commit : Modify view and templates to display latest build info for a release.
- Commit : Check if repo exists first then only check if a branch exists for it using GitPython.
- Commit : Authentication and permissions added for Update Build REST API endpoint.
- Commit : Build history table for each release with pagination was added.
- Commit : Option to cancel the Jenkins builds from the appstore was added.
- Commit : Tests for PATCH REST API were added.
Phase 3
- Commit : Code refactoring. Comments/docstrings were added and unnecessary lines were removed.
- Commit : Jenkins environment variables were made to load from settings.
- Commit : Exception handling for Jenkins build functions using try/except while covering corner cases.
- Commit : Static files for build templates were added and apps/ was formated with pep8.
- Commit : Made Release model and forms enforce combined unique constraint for an app and version name.
- Commit : REST API for Jenkins to call build on all releases using ns-3 dev.
- Commit : Jenkinsfile’s for all the pipelines were added.
- Commit, Commit : Minor fixes.
- Commit : README doc for setting the Jenkins pipeline.
- Contributing guide : Contributing guide for the AppStore - hosted page link
- Installation guide : Installation guide for the AppStore - hosted page link
- All the pipelines and configurations were recreated on the deployed Jenkins server and tested with a dev appstore server.
Other Miscellaneous Documents
- Wiki - Weekly updates : Weekly updates regarding the work.
- Phase 1 Document : Document explaining the work done during phase 1.
- Work Guidelines : Document explaining the scenarios supported by the Jenkins pipelines.
- Phase 2 Document : Document explaining the work done during phase 2.
Future Work
- Jenkins Pipelines can be updated to handle more scenarios.
- Outstanding issues in the appstore can be solved.
- CI/CD pipelines can be refactored.
I am happy that all the tasks proposed were completed. I want to thank all the people who motivated and helped me. I got to learn a lot during GSoC and couldn’t have worked on a more fulfilling and exciting project. I will continue to contribute to open source and ns-3 in the future.